In Upper Bavaria, you can find the longest castle complex in the world occupying over 1051 meters. The large Burghausen Castle is a gothic complex comprising of the main castle, an inner courtyard, and five outer courtyards. This incredible stronghold was a clear indication of the power of Bavarian dukes, and the castle was both a royal residence and a military fortification. All of the courtyards used to be protected by moats, drawbridges, and portcullises. The first courtyard lays within the main castle complex and access to this part has always been controlled. The western part of the courtyard is where the bakery and brewery used to be. The smallest courtyard of the five is the second courtyard, but it had the highest military importance as it held all the arsenal. The third courtyard used to house the chaplain. In the 19th century, the courtyard was used as a parade ground. The fourth courtyard features a late Gothic chapel, the St Maria’s Chapel. The outermost courtyard, the fifth, is the largest of all, and its appearance has changed the most through the centuries.

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